
10th annual Women’s Business Conference and awards to be held in Cheltenham in October

Written by: Angela De Souza
Last Updated by Rocio Somoza: September 12, 2022
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Women’s Business Club will host its 10th annual conference and awards in Cheltenham on the 5th of October. The aim of the event is to inspire, empower and celebrate women in business whether they are starting out on their journey, are already established SME businesswomen, or are employed women building a career.

The event, which is being sponsored by multi-asset social investment network eToro, will see businesswomen from all over England come together to connect, network, share expertise, listen to inspirational talks and attend 1-to-1 workshops.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Rupal Patel, author of From CIA to CEO. Rupal’s high-octane career has taken her from dusty briefing rooms in jungles and war zones to corporate boardrooms and international stages. After a thrilling career at the CIA, she started two award-winning businesses and is now shaping the future of work by helping growth-oriented leaders and innovative organizations build careers and businesses that thrive with purpose.

Angela De Souza, CEO of Women’s Business Club, said:

“We are so excited to be adding even more value to women in business this year through a number of key changes – both for delegates and for our speakers/experts. There is so much for women in business to get involved in at the event.”

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The following changes have been made to this year’s event:

– A fully female lineup of speakers.

– Exhibiting with a difference: no more rooms full of stands with people selling at you. Instead, the event features Expert Pods where delegates can meet experts for a 15-minute one-to-one fully focused Q&A and advice session. Designed to build relationships and offer direct advice relevant to the attendee’s business.

– Workshops that are designed to be lessons, not lectures. These one-hour interactive sessions with hand-picked industry experts provide in-depth expert content and practical applications.

– Taking place at the end of the conference, the SME Awards acknowledge and celebrate exceptional companies and their leaders. There will be nine prestigious awards presented on the night for women who are changing the game and leading the way in business. Nominees will be judged by the award sponsors and leading business experts.

– The in-person conference and awards will be held at the Pittville Pump Room in Cheltenham and will cost £125+VAT, while the event will also be available virtually at a cost of £25+VAT with online attendees from five countries and a digital reach of approximately 115,000 businesses.

“The venue has the capacity for 500 attendees and with previous events selling out, it is advisable to book in advance,” Angela said.

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To find out more about the conference & awards, visit:

Women’s Business Conference & Awards – Women’s Business Club or watch a video snippet at Women’s Business Conference & Awards

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