Published on 11 Mar 2022 Time 5 min read Last update by 20 Jun 2024

BurgerIM. The Worst Franchise Complaints: What Went Wrong?

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BurgerIM is a fast-food chain that has been in the news lately for all of the wrong reasons. Customers have taken to social media to share their complaints about the restaurant, and it seems like there are a lot of them!

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most common complaints about BurgerIM and try to figure out what went wrong.

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Quality Food, Reasonable Prices, and Exceptional Customer Service: Not at BurgerIM

One of the most common complaints about BurgerIM is that the food is not very good. In particular, customers say that the burgers are dry and flavorless. Additionally, some people have complained about the quality of the ingredients used in BurgerIM’s food.

Another issue that customers have with BurgerIM is its pricing. Some people feel that the burgers are overpriced and that you can get a better burger at a regular fast-food chain.

Finally, many customers have complained about the service at BurgerIM . They say that the employees are often unprofessional and that they don’t seem to care about their customers.

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Complaint Info Comments:

“My husband is a chef and has always had the dream of owning his restaurant. He saw the BurgerIM franchise advertisement on the internet and reached out to learn more. His inquiry was promptly returned by Samira Ibrahim, Business Development Manager at BurgerIM.”

“Samira sent an email with a link to a promotional video and laid out the financial requirements – $50,000 license fee, you need at least a 700 FICO score but above 725 is ideal. Once you pay and sign, they have a financial department to line up financing, a real estate department starts coordinating location, marketing works in conjunction with you on local and national initiatives, they can recommend architects and contractors to renovate the space. It sounded good.  So my husband asked how we can apply.”

The Beginning of a Franchise Horror Story

“Samira send over a form we completed and provided personal financial information, credit reports, etc. We heard back a couple of days later that we were approved (we had an 840 credit rating). Now we wanted to dig into the data to see if the business was feasible. We did a conference call with Janae Gilliam, Business Development Officer. Janae represented that the monthly revenue range she saw for the stores was $65,000-$250,000.”

“After crunching labor, food, and overhead we thought this was a viable business opportunity and made the trip to California to visit a couple of stores and sign the franchise agreement…”

“We did talk to one franchisee, not about data, just overall how things were going and he was very positive.”

“He had recently opened and had a line to the door at lunch. We saw a second location where the franchisee did not talk to us and the place was empty, it was 2 pm, but the place 5 minutes down the road was jammed packed. We then met with Janae Gilliam in person and Juan Munoz, Franchisee Director, joined, Samiera was there as well…”


Terrible Franchise Experience: What You Need to Know Before Invest at BurgerIM

“Janae again represented the revenue numbers. We signed the agreement gave them a check for $20,000. BurgerIM quickly got us in contact with someone to help with financing – Robinson; Associates. Robinson; Associates lined up financing through stacked loans. Once financing was done and we started looking for our location corporate was harder to get a hold of. So once we got approval on the location, we found our architect and contractor, completed renovations, and opened on 12/3/18, with minimal help from corporate.”

“Once we saw the actual numbers we reached out to corporate to discuss our concerns. No reply. We reached out to marketing to get access to materials. No reply…We were consistent in reaching out and corporate was consistent in not offering any help. We ended up closing on 7/19/19 and are filing bankruptcy…”

“I feel BurgerIM Group USA knew in April it was not a profitable business model and should have stopped selling licenses, but as soon as we opened they sent a sales associate to sell licenses out of our store.

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BurgerIM: A expensive deception

“This was deceitful because 1) we had new restaurant momentum, 2) while business looked good it was not profitable. A lot of BurgerIM’s have been closing across the nation with franchisees filing bankruptcy…”

“How is it legal for a company to prey on people when they know the model doesn’t work? Why is this not criminal? What went wrong with BurgerIM? It seems like the food, pricing, and service are all issues that need to be addressed. Hopefully, BurgerIM will listen to its customers and make some changes!”

Source of complaint: FTC

-The BurgerIM company needs to invest in better quality ingredients.

BurgerIM’s prices are too high compared to other fast-food chains.
-The employees need more training on customer service skills.

When you invest in a BurgerIM franchise, you expect quality food and great customer service. Unfortunately, that’s not always what you get. Here are some of the worst complaints from BurgerIM franchisees:

– The food was inconsistent and often of poor quality.
– The kitchen was dirty and poorly organized.
– The staff were unprofessional and often rude to customers.
– The restaurant was understaffed and chaotic.
– The prices were too high compared to competitors.

So if you’re thinking about investing in a BurgerIM franchise, be sure to do your research first! There are plenty of better options out there.

Invest in a reliable franchise! Click here to learn about the different fast food franchise options from Vetted Biz.

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