
10 Questions for Franchisees

Written by: Patrick Findaro
Last Updated by Rocio Somoza: June 30, 2023
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Today I’m going to talk about 10 questions you need to ask franchisees if you’re evaluating the purchase of a franchise in the United States. These are very important items that you need to consider before buying a franchise in the U.S., and many of these questions can be applied to buying a franchise from around the world.

Investing in a franchise can be an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to start a business with an established brand and operating system. A franchise provides the franchisee with a proven business model, brand recognition, and ongoing support from the franchisor. However, investing in a franchise is not a decision to be taken lightly. The success of a franchise depends on various factors, including the franchisor’s reputation, financial stability, and the franchisee’s ability to operate the business successfully. As such, it’s essential to do your due diligence and thoroughly research the franchise opportunity before making any investment decisions.

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Top 10 Questions to Ask Franchisees

One way to gain valuable insights into a franchise opportunity is by speaking with current franchisees. Franchisees have firsthand experience in operating the business and can provide you with valuable insights into the daily operations, financial performance, and support provided by the franchisor. However, not all franchisees are created equal, and it’s essential to ask the right questions to get the most out of your conversations with them. By asking the right questions, you can gain a better understanding of the potential challenges and rewards of operating a franchise and whether the franchise aligns with your goals, skills, and expectations.

To help you make an informed decision about whether a franchise is the right investment for you, we’ve compiled a list of ten questions to ask franchisees. These questions cover a wide range of topics, including the challenges of starting a franchise, the level of support provided by the franchisor, the financial performance of the franchise, the level of control a franchisee has over the business, and the franchisor’s ability to adapt to changes in the industry or market. By asking these questions, you can gain valuable insights into the franchise opportunity and make a more informed decision about whether to invest in the franchise.

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1. What were your biggest challenges in starting the franchise?

Understanding the potential challenges that come with starting a franchise can help you prepare for what lies ahead. Every franchise has its unique set of challenges, and by asking this question, you can gain insight into the difficulties you may face in starting a franchise. This can help you better understand whether you have the skills, experience, and temperament needed to succeed as a franchisee.

2. What is the level of support you receive from the franchisor?

The level of support you receive from the franchisor can significantly impact the success of your franchise. As a franchisee, you will be heavily reliant on the franchisor for training, marketing, and ongoing support. Asking this question can help you assess whether the franchisor provides the level of support you need to succeed as a franchisee. You can also ask for specific examples of how the franchisor has supported the franchisee.

3. How long did it take for you to break even or turn a profit?

Starting a franchise requires a significant investment, and it’s essential to understand how long it might take to recoup your investment. By asking this question, you can gain insight into the financial performance of the franchise and the timeline you can expect to start seeing a return on your investment. This can help you plan your finances better and determine whether the franchise is a viable option for you.

4. How does the franchisor handle conflicts or disputes with franchisees?

Conflicts and disputes are inevitable in any business, including franchises. Knowing how the franchisor handles disputes can help you prepare for potential issues that may arise. By understanding the franchisor’s approach to conflict resolution, you can determine whether the franchise is a good fit for you and how you can address conflicts effectively.

5. What kind of training and ongoing support did you receive from the franchisor?

Training and ongoing support are critical to the success of any franchisee. As a franchisee, you will need to learn the operational procedures of the franchise, how to market the business, and manage employees. By asking this question, you can understand the level and quality of training and support the franchisor provides. This can help you determine whether the franchise is a good fit for your skills and experience.

6. How much freedom do you have in running your business?

Franchisors typically have specific rules and procedures that franchisees must follow. However, the level of control a franchisee has over their business can vary significantly between different franchises. By asking this question, you can gain insight into the amount of freedom you will have in operating the business. This can help you determine whether the franchise aligns with your management style and personal goals.

7. What kind of marketing support does the franchisor provide?

Marketing is critical to the success of any franchise. By asking this question, you can learn about the marketing resources the franchisor provides, such as advertising, promotional materials, and online marketing. This can help you determine whether the franchise is a good fit for your marketing skills and interests.

8. How much time do you spend working in the business?

Franchisees can spend a significant amount of time operating their business. By asking this question, you can gain insight into the level of commitment required to operate the franchise successfully. This can help you determine whether the franchise is a good fit for your work-life balance and lifestyle.

9. What advice would you give to someone considering purchasing this franchise?

Franchisees have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can provide valuable insights into the franchise. By asking this question, you can learn from their experience and gain a better understanding of the real-world experience of being a franchisee. This can help you make an informed decision about whether the franchise is a good fit for your goals, skills, and expectations.

10. How has the franchisor responded to changes in the industry or market?

Industries and markets are continually evolving, and it’s crucial for franchises to adapt to stay relevant and successful. By asking this question, you can gain insight into the franchisor’s ability to respond to changes in the industry and market. This can help you assess the long-term potential of the franchise and whether it can adapt to future changes. Understanding the franchisor’s strategy for staying competitive and relevant can also help you make a more informed decision about whether the franchise is a good fit for your investment goals.


The ten questions we’ve provided in this article cover a wide range of topics, from the level of support provided by the franchisor to the franchisor’s ability to adapt to changes in the industry or market. By asking these questions, you can better understand the potential challenges and rewards of operating a franchise and make an informed decision about whether to invest in the franchise.


Investing in a franchise can be a great opportunity, but it’s essential to do your due diligence and gather as much information as possible. By asking the right questions, you can gain valuable insights into the franchise opportunity and make a more informed decision about whether to invest in the franchise.

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