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Grow your sales to franchisors and franchisees with our contacts database, key franchise metrics, data, and search tools so you can focus on your ideal target prospects.

Trusted by some of the biggest names in franchising


Have a service or offering to sell to franchisors or franchisees? Connect with new prospects.

Discover qualified prospects in seconds with Vetted Biz's all-in-one prospecting tool. Find hundreds of thousands of franchise industry contacts in our ever-evolving contact database.

Franchisee contact information


Franchise brands in our contact database


First and last names






Phone numbers

Franchisor contact information


Franchise brands in our contact database


Management team first and last names




Connect with key decision-makers

  • • Find qualified prospects the fit your ideal customer profile.
  • • Get verified contact data to connect with the right decision makers.
  • • The contacts are delivered in an easy-to-use excel format so you can quickly upload the contacts to your CRM sequences.
First Name Last Name Phone Number Street Address City State Zip Code Franchise
Emily Johnson 555-5678 456 Elm St Springfield CA 67890 McDonald's
Michael Williams 555-9876 789 Oak Ave Lakeside TX 34567 Taco Bell
Maxwell Daniels 555-1234 123 Miller Lane Vienna VA 22182 Subway
Jessica Brown 555-4321 321 Pine St Riverview FL 98765 Wendy's
Daniel Davis 555-8765 654 Maple Rd Greensboro NC 23456 Burger King
Sophia Wilson 555-2345 987 Cedar Ln Woodville MI 45678 Subway
Matthew Anderson 555-6789 654 Birch Ave Oakville WA 76543 McDonald's
Olivia Martinez 555-3456 321 Oak St Springdale OH 87654 Chick-fil-A
James Taylor 555-7890 987 Elmwood Dr Springfield TX 34567 Subway
Ava Thompson 555-1111 123 Maple Ave Greenville SC 56789 Taco Bell
Benjamin Garcia 555-2222 456 Cedar St Riverside CA 67890 Wendy's


Quickly identify prospective franchise targets

We aggregate, calculate, and publish 40+ unique data points for over 1,800 franchises from diverse sources, ensuring you have the latest information to make informed decisions.

See which franchisors to target depending on key franchise health metrics
Easily see if a franchise system is on a growth trajectory
See how much a franchise system’s franchisees make on a unit level

Quickly identify brands that are strong or are struggling.

“I get the information I want in one easy place. Worth every penny."

I use Vetted Biz for a number of reasons. As a franchisor, I want to see how we're viewed and how our competition is performing. As a franchisee, I want to see how our Franchisor system is doing.

As someone that is always looking for opportunities and curious to learn more, it's the most comprehensive database and, perhaps even more importantly, the data is presented in an organized and easy to assimilate format.”

Guy Coffey

Co-Founder of Frenchies Franchise, Franchise Owner, and Podcast Host


Unbiased franchise data to tell you what you need to know

See below examples of the types of data we have for each franchise profile:

Gross sales
Franchise investment cost
Franchisor financials
Growth rate
Franchisor contacts
Resale value
Failure rate
Franchisee contacts
Franchise payback period
Financial performance disclosures
SBA loan eligibility
Industry and category benchmarking
Franchise-specific content
And more!

“Vetted Biz is the best place on the internet to find up-to-date information on franchises. The leadership is forward thinking and constantly innovating its products to keep users informed.”

Jason Revere

Franchise Consultant

“Vetted Biz is an excellent resource for researching franchise data, news, and business resources. They are true professionals. They are smart, resourceful and the data is clean. They have been a pleasure to work with.”

Sabrina Wall

CEO, Senior Franchise Broker, Franchisee, Entrepreneur

Take your franchise insights to the next level

Speak to a team member to access our contacts database.
